
AIMS: 1) To provide qualitatively superior academic environment in the polytechnic, which help the individual students, to build their knowledge base in the relevant area of study from scratch to high level of academic excellence. 2) To provide conducive environment to the Teachers to give their best to the student community in tune with the demands of the industry. 3) To bestow personal attention on individual performance of each and every student and if it is sliding down, special care to prevent and improve it further. Objectives : CME : 1. Prepare the students to be leaders and decision makers, innovative and confident 2.Prepare students to compete in a knowledge based society be engaged in local, regional, and state social and economical development for the benefit of both Public and Private Sectors ECE : 1.To provide students with a soild foundation in ECE fundamentals required to solve Engineering Problems. 2.To inculcate scientific and Engineering depth of knowledge and ability to apply knowledge to analyze ,design and create products to the Real life problems